Here at QFMC, we have a desire to have a Regional and Global impact.
One of the primary Ways we fulfill that is through supporting missionaries,
domestically and Abroad.

We have made a commitment to partner with the Lorenz Family and the Roberts Family
as they seek to further the reach of the Gospel beyond our Local Church.

Find out more about them below!  

We are honored to partner Globally with the Lorenz Family!

Glenn & Wendy Lorenz are Free Methodist Missionaries
doing work for FM World Missions in Africa.

This is from their website:
Participating with God in His Redemptive purposes in Africa by Developing Healthy Leaders, Multiplying Committed Disciples, & Equipping Transformational Churches. We moved to Costa Rica to strategically focus on pastoral training and leadership development in order to help fuel and sustain a biblical movement to reach Latin American for Christ, specifically through Community Church Planting. We are grateful for our time in Latin American and learning under the leadership of Dr. Delia Nüesch-Olver and Dr. Ricardo Gomez. Our purpose has not changed, it has only shifted. Glenn is now strategically focusing on sending a team of missionaries into West Africa in order that they will be able to help fuel and sustain a biblical movement to reach West Africa for Christ. Wendy will begin working for the Africa area in January 2024.

Click one of the buttons below to donate to the Lorenz family or visit their website!

We are honored to partner regionally with the Roberts Family 

This is from their website:

God has a dream for Tacoma, and over the last 10 years, it’s been grabbing hold of our hearts too. A dream to see people bursting with the hope and purpose that only Jesus brings. A dream to see a church renewed and reignited by a move of the Spirit. A dream for revival.

And people are at the center of it. Our neighbors, coworkers, families, classmates, and friends.
Our heart is to build a community driven for the love of God and the good of the city. We want to be a people that leans into the hope-filled tensions we all live in—the already but not yet. The areas where we wrestle with faith and doubt. Where there is space for our brokenness while we contend for our healing, and where we pursue unity without requiring uniformity.

This is the holy space of community and purpose that you’re invited into as we learn to follow Jesus and be a people set apart for His love.
We think this life with God is worth living for and we’d love for you to be part of the story God is writing here.